July 4, 2012

HAVEN't Met You Yet?

Well, I could wind up my series
"Wish You Were Here" at Haven with a recap of the
"I Like Big Blogs" and "All About Advertising" seminars
but I'm going to have to research words like metatag,
search engine operation, algorithm, spammy, ad words,
global monthly search,  Live Writer, disclosure for FTC,
Google Panda and Google Penguin before I can begin
to even use them in a sentence.
The panel for these seminars recommended the blogs
information about growing your blog and monetizing it.

(The posts in the Haven series are Keynote Speakers, Photography & Photo Styling ,
Furniture Painting With Miss Mustard Seed and Power Tools 101  .)

I learned a lot at the seminars but the greatest joy at Haven
was all of the wonderful women (and a few men!) that I met.
(My post title is a play on the song by Michael Buble "Haven't Met You Yet")

I had not actually met (in person or on phone) anyone that
was coming to Haven so it was intimidating to walk into a
room full of people I didn't know.  I decided just to walk up to
another person who looked like she didn't know anyone either
and introduce myself.  Her name was Sherry and we hung
out together at the opening cocktail party.  We had a little
table topper and soon some other ladies introduced
themselves and joined us.  It was like that the whole Haven
conference...just friendly, nice people, meeting each other,
exchanging cards, telling what brought us to Haven, etc.

My first "sighting" of a person that I recognized purely
from her picture on her blog was Jane from
Cottage At The Crossroads blog.  Her husband, Leo,
is blogging along with her and he attended all the seminars too.
You have to read Leo's blog post "A Male Haven Maven" that the above link will take you to.

Other fellow bloggers that I met that first night and we became
friends for the duration was Sallie of Texas Cottage...

...Lori of The Stoneybrook House...
...and Janis of All Things Beautiful

Here is a group shot with some other bloggers too.
Lori, Sallie, Janis, Caroline of Home Depot's blog The Apron, Kerry of House TalkN, and me.

I have a stack of beautiful business cards of the great folks
that I met at Haven that I want to visit each and every one
of their blogs.  I was amazed at how many bloggers were
there that I have never heard of their blog...so many great
ones out there to discover...so many other bloggers I
would like to meet at Haven 2013...I just haven't met you yet.

I am linking this post up to
Haven High Link Party at Southern Hospitality
where Rhoda has so many good pictures of the conference.


  1. This looks like so much fun! Thanks for passing on some of these tips for those of us who didn't get to be there first hand!


  2. I cannot tell you how excited I was to see your smiling face IRL! You have been such a sweet, supportive and kind commenter for so many bloggers! Thank you so much!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  3. Hi Gayle,
    Thanks for putting our picture in your blog post. It was so much fun meeting you and your husband, too. Can't wait until the next conference, and I didn't understand all that stuff, either!


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