March 7, 2012

Pushing Up Daisies

Grow grass for party decorations

This past weekend I helped decorate at
a party where we grew grass in containers
to be used as centerpieces.  The party was for
a guy so we didn't use a lot of flowers except
for a few daisies in vases on the food table.
twine daisy glass vase

I wanted to experiment with the party leftovers
to see how long daisies pushed directly into the moist
soil of the grass would stay presentable. 
daisies in grass

You never know when that info would be
helpful in decorating for a future party.
daisies as centerpiece

When I couldn't find the kind of daisies that
we used at the party (the ones in the bottles),
I had to settle for the ones that have a
single bloom to stick in the grass pots.
daisies in glass vases

grass as party decorations

The single bloom daisies had long sturdy stems
that I hated to cut off but you have to in
order for them to look right in the grass.
daisy and grass centerpiece

The daisy stems need to be long enough that
they will peek up over the top of the grass
and also be able to have at least one inch
of stem in the soil. 

Things just look better to the eye
(I don't know why) when they are in
a group of odd numbered objects so
for most of the containers I used 3 flowers.
Isn't that great to demonstrate that an odd number looks better that there is a flower from another pot in the photo?

This little basket has four containers in it
so I put a daisy in each one.

These photos are just a kind of re-creation of
the party decorations. At the party we used burlap
 tablecloths and wound twine onto the necks
of the bottles to tie them into the burlap visually.
twine wrapped vases

rustic glass bottles

These little galvanized buckets were so small
that I didn't try to put  flowers into them.
grow grass for party decor

They had flower labels on them already.
inexpensive party decor

By the time I got home with the "new" daisies
even in the west-facing side of the house,
I was running out of day light for this re-creation/
daisy-in-grass experiment photo shoot.
See the sunset in the background?

So the party had to be moved indoors
and use artificial lighting for the pictures.
Here are the same party elements arranged
in a more of a straight line fashion.
daisy and grass containers

               I'll update this later to keep you up with how long
the daisies last in the grass soil but as of 12 hours,
they look fresh as a....well you know what.

After 18 hours, only one of the daisies is a fail
being only in moist soil.  So this lets me know that
unless a party is in a hot outside location, that these flowers 
would probably last for several hours with no problem.
inexpensive party centerpiece

Cost-wise the grass seeds themselves are really inexpensive.
I got a large bag of rye grass seeds three years ago for $12
 and have used it for lots of centerpieces...I'm estimating the
seed for these would be about $2.50.  The daisies were $15.
  I already had the bottles and galvanized containers (and you
probably have bottles and pots you could use) but if you
 had to buy them, it would probably be about $75 for all.
So everything all together would be less than $100.
daisy and grass centerpiece
I did a couple of blog post last Spring on how to grow the grass
for decorations and different ways to use it.
Growing Grass for Decorating (my first blog post ever)


  1. Oh my word, how pretty is this. Love the daisys and the grass, then putting it all together is just so beautiful. Great centerpiece. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. I love the daisies in the grass. I will be interested in learning how long they last.
    The centerpiece down the table looks great.

  3. Now I'm really thinking spring! I love the pretty green grass against the white daisies! What a great experiment!

  4. Oh..I LOVE daisies!! This is fantastic! the table looks incredible and I love putting these with the burlap and twine...simple and elegant! Bonnie ;)

  5. I love daisies-they are just such a sweet, fresh looking flower to me. Love your displays of them. I'm sure the party was a great success! xo Diana

  6. So pretty. Love the grass, but never thought about this for decorating. Soooo, tomorrow, when Im not so sleepy, Im coming back to read 'your first post' about growing the grass.

    I've just become your newest follower. Please, please come visit me and maybe you'll follow back. THANKS.

  7. How pretty! And thanks for a blast of spring in the middle of this cold and rainy storm we're having today!

  8. Great idea! I am going to "kopy" it this week!

  9. I love daisies, what a simple, yet stunning display. Thanks for linking up!

  10. How pretty! Yay for spring! Thanks for sharing at Things I've Done Thursday!

  11. I love daisies, they're simple, pretty and sweet!

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