April 1, 2012

No Joke...I Won

Thank you, Judy, at the beautiful blog
for hosting the giveaway of a Ram Sign.

Even though today is April Fool's Day, I am hoping
this is not a prank 'cause I am looking so forward
to receiving a classic handstenciled sign from Ram Sign.

You can go here to read about the history and production
of these European-based design porcelain enamel signs.

Ram Sign's artisans have a long history of 
quality craftsmanship and artistry to produce
signs that will last a lifetime.  


  1. Congratulations! I saw over on her blog that you won and I knew you would love it! Happy Sunday- xo Diana

  2. Artist to artist...you did a great tutorial. Succinct and understandable. Thank you from one of us who still hasn't made a deco wreath yet ! Looking forward to Christmas decorating. God Bless !


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