February 10, 2013

Vintage Valentine Mantle

The combination of wanting to make some aged book page
wreaths that I had seen on Pinterest and coming across some
Victorian-looking cutouts at the craft store drew me into 
having a Vintage Valentine mantle this year. 

Well, and, to tell the truth, the books and wreath hanging hooks 
were still on the mantle from Christmas decorations so the 
Valentine decor theme was part inspiration and part laziness. 

All of the aged book pages on these wreaths came from one 
book.  The first wreath that I made from the book pages 

Another wreath that I had seen (but could not find a tutorial
 for) was one that looked like little scrolls...I just winged it. 

Toothpicks were added to the backs of the cutouts and then
 they were stuck in the foam wreath form. That way the wreath's 
decorations can be easily changed out for different seasons. 

The aged book page leaf wreath was the easiest one to do. 

Here's the tutorial I found on Pinterest if you would like to 
make one too.  This wreath is not the style I originally wanted
on this vintage mantle but I had to make a change in plans. 

Because I wanted to make this one interchangeable too, 
I added the "lolly" (here's a tutorial on how to make one)
with another vintage cutout glued onto it and hung by a string. 

The books on the mantle are ones that will NOT be torn up
to make wreaths.  I either love their uneven page edges,
spines or content too much to do that to them.

I ordered a "surprise box" from an internet company. 
I think the way it worked was you sent $20 and they sent you 
something worth at least that from their company's stock. 

When this pretty metal object arrived, I had no idea what it
was to be used for. One suggestion that was made was an
"ephemera" holder.  I had no idea what "ephemera" was either.

After researching that word, I think these pretty cutouts are
 a form of ephemera and they do work well on the "thing".  

To see the coffee table decor in the same room as 
the mantle click on "Vintage Valentine Lollies"
and/or if you would like to see more book page wreaths
in this room , click "Key To My Heart Vignette".


  1. What a pretty mantel and a wonderful colection of wreaths! I love the vintage feel!

  2. You are just so creative, Gayle! I love the little vintage valentine cutouts you added to the wreaths.

  3. Oh wow! I adore your beautiful and very creative Valentine's mantel.

  4. Wow! What more can I say? You have a great talent for display. Thanks so much for sharing, Patti@OldThingsNew

  5. What an awesome assortment of wreaths. Each has its own unique characteristics.

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  6. Well, you've done it...absolutely my favorite Valentine display I've seen this season! What a fantastic job...every picture is pinworthy. I believe I'll do that little thing right now.

  7. ohhhh the book page wreaths are darling. I am so crazy about doing things with book pages. Hope you visit my blog to see them. I found you at Nifty Thrifty Tuesday and I'm your newest follower.

  8. Your mantel and coffee table are adorable! I, too, love using old books for the paper and also the book board. Why not? It will end up in a landfill somewhere if someone doesn't take them and use them. I love you lollies, too! So clever! Whet do you use behind them so they stand up inside the cloches?

  9. Beautiful display of your vintage collection. Love every detail!

  10. Love the old books and the wreaths. I turned my recently created vintage style mantle into a romantic. Valentine mantle here, http://createdinawe.blogspot.com/2013/02/valentine-mantle.html?m=0.


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